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We are so glad you have taken the time to check us out and see what we're about! We know you have access to thousands of incredible churches all over Limerick, and the world, so we are honoured you have taken the time to check in with us! We are a group of people who love Jesus and want to see Him known. We take our faith and the gospel serious, but we try have a laugh at everything, especially ourselves.
There is a lot of information on this website for you to look at and explore, but how much can you really get to know someone from reading about them, or watching a video? If you would like to fill in a communication card and let us know a little about you, we would love to connect with you online, we can set up a phone or video call. And don't worry, you are not signing up for, or committing, to anything by sending us your information, we just want to reach out and let you know you matter.
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