Our Team Leaders

Elevate is made up of all types of people from all walks of life, who have come together with the common goal of honouring Jesus with the gifts He has given us. Elevate has dozens of volunteers who work tirelessly to make sure people have the best possible experience when they visit one of our services on a Sunday, attend one of our groups during the week, or come to the events we hold throughout the year. While we can't post everyone on this page, we want to introduce you to some of our team leaders who make Elevate what it is by pouring their passion and gifts into the church.

  • Coffee AREA

    Jessica leads the wonderful team that makes sure we all get a nice cuppa when we arrive at Elevate. This ministry is on the front lines when it comes to making people feel welcome and comfortable when they walk through our doors! She leads a great team of people who are passionate about serving. 

    If you'd like to serve in this area, download this form for information! Click here

  • wORSHIP ministry

    Sarah has been involved in our worship since Elevate started. She now leads our worship team, making sure they provide an environment that will allow people to move into a place where their hearts and minds are in a position to listen to God's call on their lives and worship Him through music.

    If you'd like to serve in this area, download this form for information! Click here


    Peter has been with Elevate from day one and looks after the maintenance of the church. He works so many hours to make sure the facility is up to standard and everything is working, so people can enjoy their time at Elevate. He works behind the scenes repairing and updating everything in our 170 year old building. Peter offers his time and gifts to honour God and make sure His church is running efficiently. 

    If you'd like to serve in this area, download this form for information! Click here

  • prayer Team

    Sarah leads our prayer ministry at Elevate. Bringing our prayers and hearts before God is one of the privileges that followers of Jesus have. While we all pray, Sarah brings people together in a comfortable setting to pray as a body of believers to build each other up, but even more, to thank God and have His hand on the circumstances of life that need His care & direction.

  • pastor

    Justin has helped dream up and make Elevate what it is today. He has been on our team from the beginning and managed to start up, create systems, and hand off several areas at Elevate and train people to become leaders in those areas. He has a passion for people and seeing them come to know Jesus and making sure that they are discipled and move toward what Jesus wants them to be. 

  • kIDS Ministry

    Marie leads our kids ministry at Elevate, looking after everyone from toddlers to pre-teens. Kids ministry is a vital part of the church, to come alongside parents and help them teach our kids about who Jesus is and how we can trust Him. This is done through music, games, crafts and lessons, all with the goal of making Jesus real to them in an age-appropriate way. 

    If you'd like to serve in this area, download this form for information! Click here


    Bryan heads up the greeting team, which is constantly making sure that visiting people feel welcome and regulars are encouraged. This team of people will point you in the right direction on Sundays. If you are checking in kids or looking for coffee, these wonderful people will guide you where you want to go. 

    If you'd like to serve in this area, download this form for information! Click here

  • administRation

    Laura has been with Elevate before Elevate was up and running. She makes sure everything from communication with the people in the church, to the governing departments and accounts are managed correctly and efficiently. Laura works really hard to make sure people don't slip through the cracks, and helps all of us to stay on top of things. She keeps things running smoothly. 


    George heads up our media team at Elevate. From the lights, to video and sound, he helps manage the team that makes sure everyone can have the best experience possible during the music and the message. So many people on this team work hours behind the scenes to make sure we have a modern and relevant worship experience. 

    If you'd like to serve in this area, download this form for information! Click here

  • pastor

    Dermot wants to see followers of Jesus be all they can be to impact Limerick City and Ireland for Jesus. His passion is for the Church to grow in disciples and have heart change and not just habit changed lives. He loves to see people who could never imagine themselves a part of a church come to know Jesus and get involved in the very thing they didn't believe in. It fires him up to see God move that way.